You need to write a java program to find maximum element in binary tree.
Recursive solution:
Algorithm :
Steps for getting maximum element in binary tree:
- Find maximum element in left subtree
- Find maximum element in right subtree
- Compare maximum of above subtrees to current node
- We will find maximum element with above steps
Code for recursion will be:
// Recursive Solution/* To get max node in a binary tree*/// Recursive Solution/* To get max node in a binary tree*/public static int getMaximumRec(TreeNode root){int max=Integer.MIN_VALUE;int value=0;int left,right;if(root != null){;left=getMaximumRec(root.left);right=getMaximumRec(root.right);if(left>right){max=left;}else{max=right;}if(max < value){max=value;}}return max;}
Iterative solution:
The iterative solution will be similar to level order traversal. When we are
popping elements from the queue, we will check max.
Code for iteration will be :
// Iterative Solution
/* To get max node in a binary tree*/
public static int getMaximumItr(TreeNode startNode) {
Queue<TreeNode> queue=new LinkedList<>();
int max=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
TreeNode tempNode=queue.poll();
if(max <;
return max;
Lets create java program to get maximum element in binary tree
Let's say, your binary tree is this
import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.Queue;public class BinaryTreeGetMaxElement {public static class TreeNode{int data;TreeNode left;TreeNode right;TreeNode(int data){;}}// Recursive Solution/* To get max node in a binary tree*/public static int getMaximumRec(TreeNode root){int max=Integer.MIN_VALUE;int value=0;int left,right;if(root != null){;left=getMaximumRec(root.left);right=getMaximumRec(root.right);if(left>right){max=left;}else{max=right;}if(max < value){max=value;}}return max;}// Iterative Solution/* To get max node in a binary tree*/public static int getMaximumItr(TreeNode startNode) {Queue<TreeNode> queue=new LinkedList<>();queue.add(startNode);int max=Integer.MIN_VALUE;while(!queue.isEmpty()){TreeNode tempNode=queue.poll();if(max <;if(tempNode.left!=null)queue.add(tempNode.left);if(tempNode.right!=null)queue.add(tempNode.right);}return max;}public static void main(String[] args){// Creating a binary treeTreeNode rootNode=createBinaryTree();System.out.println("Max node using recursion :"+getMaximumRec(rootNode));System.out.println("Max node using iteration :"+getMaximumItr(rootNode));}public static TreeNode createBinaryTree(){TreeNode rootNode =new TreeNode(40);TreeNode node20=new TreeNode(20);TreeNode node10=new TreeNode(10);TreeNode node30=new TreeNode(30);TreeNode node60=new TreeNode(60);TreeNode node50=new TreeNode(50);TreeNode node70=new TreeNode(70);rootNode.left=node20;rootNode.right=node60;node20.left=node10;node20.right=node30;node60.left=node50;node60.right=node70;return rootNode;}}
Run the above program and you will get the following output: