Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Question 35 : Find maximum difference between two elements such that larger element appears after the smaller number.

Given array of integers, find Maximum difference between two elements such that larger element appears after the smaller number

For example :

int arr[]={14, 12, 70, 15, 95, 65, 22, 30}; Max Difference =95-12 = 83

Lets say we have array arr[] of stock prices.
We will track two variable :minElementTillNow and maxDifference.

  • minElementTillNow will be initialise to arr[0].
  • Iterate over  arr[]
  • If current element is greater than minElementTillNow
    • calculate difference.
    • If difference is greater than maxDifference then update the maxDifference.
  • If current element is lesser than minElementTillNow
    • update minElementTillNow with current element.
  • We will get maxDifference in the end.


public static int calculateMaxDifferenceBetweenTwoElements(int[] arr) { int minElementTillNow = arr[0]; int maxDifference = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { int difference = 0; if (arr[i] > minElementTillNow) { difference = arr[i] - minElementTillNow; if (difference > maxDifference) { maxDifference = difference; } } else { minElementTillNow = arr[i]; } } return maxDifference; }

Java Program to find maximum difference between two elements :

public class MaxDifferenceMain { public static void main(String[] args) { int arr[]={14, 12, 70, 15, 95, 65, 22, 30}; System.out.println("Maximum difference between two elements : "+calculateMaxDifferenceBetweenTwoElements(arr)); } public static int calculateMaxDifferenceBetweenTwoElements(int[] arr) { int minElementTillNow=arr[0]; int maxDifference=Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { int difference=0; if(arr[i] >minElementTillNow) { difference=arr[i]-minElementTillNow; if(difference > maxDifference) { maxDifference=difference; } } else { minElementTillNow=arr[i]; } } return maxDifference; } }

When you run above program, you will get below output:

Maximum difference between two elements : 83
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