How to understand the behavior of an application and troubleshoot problems?
- External monitoring only tells you the overall response time and number of invocations - no insight into the individual operations
- Any solution should have minimal runtime overhead
- Log entries for a request are scattered across numerous logs
Instrument services with code that
- Assigns each external request a unique external request id
- Passes the external request id to all services that are involved in handling the request
- Includes the external request id in all log messages
- Records information (e.g. start time, end time) about the requests and operations performed when handling a external request in a centralized service
Imagine you are troubleshooting a slow API response. Multiple services may be involved in that API response. Using distributed tracking can provide insight into what your application is doing.
A distributed tracer is similar to a performance profiler in a monolithic application. Records information about the service calls that are made when handling a request. You can then see how the services interact during the handling of external requests, as well as how much time is spent on each service.
Each external request is assigned a unique ID and tracked as it flows from one service to another on a centralized server that provides visualization and analysis. Distributed tracing servers include Zipkin, Jaeger, OpenTracing, OpenCensus, New Relic, etc.